2017 Puerto Rico Team Selection Test


In a game, there are several tiles of different colors and scores. Two white tiles are equal to three yellow tiles, a yellow tile equals $5$ red chips, $3$ red tile are equal to $ 8$ black tiles, and a black tile is worth $15$. i) Find the values of all the tiles. ii) Determine in how many ways the tiles can be chosen so that their scores add up to $560$ and there are no more than five tiles of the same color.


For an acute triangle $ ABC $ let $ H $ be the point of intersection of the altitudes $ AA_1 $, $ BB_1 $, $ CC_1 $. Let $ M $ and $ N $ be the midpoints of the $ BC $ and $ AH $ segments, respectively. Show that $ MN $ is the perpendicular bisector of segment $ B_1C_1 $.


Given are $n$ integers. Prove that at least one of the following conditions applies: 1) One of the numbers is a multiple of $n$. 2) You can choose $k\le n$ numbers whose sum is a multiple of $ n$.


Alberto and Bianca play a game on a square board. Alberto begins. On their turn, players place a $1 \times 2$ or $2 \times 1$ domino on two empty squares on the board. The player who cannot put a domino loses. Determine who has a winning strategy (and prove it) if the board is: i) $3 \times 3$ ii) $3 \times 4$


Find a pair prime numbers $(p, q)$, $p> q$ of , if any, such that $\frac{p^2 - q^2}{4}$ is an odd integer.


Miguel has a square piece of paper $ABCD$ that he folded along a line $EF$, $E$ on $AB$, and $F$ on $CD$. This fold sent $A$ to point $A'$ on $BC$, distinct from $B$ and $C$. Also, it brought $D$ to point $D'$. $G$ is the intersection of $A'D'$ and $DC$. Prove that the inradius of $GCA'$ is equal to the sum of the inradius of $D'GF$ and $A'BE$.

IberoAmerican TST


Let $f$ be a function such that $f (x + y) = f (x) + f (y)$ for all $x,y \in R$ and $f (1) = 100$. Calculate $\sum_{k = 1}^{10}f (k!)$.


Ana and Beta play a turn-based game on a $m \times n$ board. Ana begins. At the beginning, there is a stone in the lower left square and the objective is to move it to the upper right corner. A move consists of the player moving the stone to the right or up as many squares as the player wants. Find all the values of $(m, n)$ for which Ana can guarantee victory.


In triangle $ABC$, the altitude through $B$ intersects $AC$ at $E$ and the altitude through $C$ intersects $AB$ at $F$. Point $T$ is such that $AETF$ is a parallelogram and points $ A$ ,$T$ lie on different half-planes wrt the line $EF$. Point $D$ is such that $ABDC$ is a parallelogram and points $ A$ ,$D$ lie in different half-planes wrt line $BC$. Prove that $T, D$ and the orthocenter of $ABC$ are collinear.


We define the sequences $a_n =\frac{n (n + 1)}{2}$ and $b_n = a_1 + a_2 +… + a_n$. Prove that there is no integer $n$ such that $b_n = 2017$.


Let $a, b$ be two real numbers that satisfy $a^3 + b^3 = 8-6ab$. Find the maximum value and the minimum value that $a + b$ can take.


Find all functions $f: R \to R$ such that $f (xy) \le yf (x) + f (y)$, for all $x, y\in R$.