Starting from the number $ 1$ we write down a sequence of numbers where the next number in the sequence is obtained from the previous one either by doubling it, or by rearranging its digits (not allowing the first digit of the rearranged number to be $0$). For instance we might begin: $$1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 61, 122, 212, 424,...$$Is it possible to construct such a sequence that ends with the number $1,000,000,000$? Is it possible to construct one that ends with the number $9,876,543,210$?
2015 NZMOC Camp Selection Problems
A mathematics competition had $9$ easy and $6$ difficult problems. Each of the participants in the competition solved $14$ of the $15$ problems. For each pair, consisting of an easy and a difficult problem, the number of participants who solved both those problems was recorded. The sum of these recorded numbers was $459$. How many participants were there?
Let $ABC$ be an acute angled triangle. The arc between $A$ and $B$ of the circumcircle of $ABC$ is reflected through the line $AB$, and the arc between $A$ and $C$ of the circumcircle of $ABC$ is reflected over the line $AC$. Obviously these two reflected arcs intersect at the point $A$. Prove that they also intersect at another point inside the triangle $ABC$.
For which positive integers $m$ does the equation: $$(ab)^{2015} = (a^2 + b^2)^m$$have positive integer solutions?
Let $n$ be a positive integer greater than or equal to $6$, and suppose that $a_1, a_2, ...,a_n$ are real numbers such that the sums $a_i + a_j$ for $1 \le i<j\le n$, taken in some order, form consecutive terms of an arithmetic progression $A$, $A + d$, $...$ ,$A + (k-1)d$, where $k = n(n-1)/2$. What are the possible values of $d$?
In many computer languages, the division operation ignores remainders. Let’s denote this operation by $//$, so for instance $13//3 = 4$. If, for some $b$, $a//b = c$, then we say that $c$ is a near factor of $a$. Thus, the near factors of $13$ are $1$, $2$, $3$, $4$, and $6$. Let $a$ be a positive integer. Prove that every positive integer less than or equal to $\sqrt{a}$ is a near factor of $a$.
Let $ABC$ be an acute-angled scalene triangle. Let $P$ be a point on the extension of $AB$ past $B$, and $Q$ a point on the extension of $AC$ past $C$ such that $BPQC$ is a cyclic quadrilateral. Let $N$ be the foot of the perpendicular from $A$ to $BC$. If $NP = NQ$ then prove that $N$ is also the centre of the circumcircle of $APQ$.
Determine all positive integers $n$ which have a divisor $d$ with the property that $dn + 1$ is a divisor of $d^2 + n^2$.
Consolidated Megacorp is planning to send a salesperson to Elbonia who needs to visit every town there. It is possible to travel between any two towns of Elbonia directly either by barge or by mule cart (the same type of travel is available in either direction, and these are the only types of travel available). Show that it is possible to choose a starting town so that the salesperson can complete a round trip visiting each town exactly once and returning to her starting point, while changing the type of transportation used at most one time (this is desirable, since it’s hard to arrange for the merchandise to be transferred from barge to cart or vice versa).