There are two distinct Points $A$ and $B$ on a line. We color a point $P$ on segment $AB$, distinct from $A,B$ and midpoint of segment $AB$ to red. In each move , we can reflect one of the red point wrt $A$ or $B$ and color the midpoint of the resulting point and the point we reflected from ( which is one of $A$ or $B$ ) to red. For example , if we choose $P$ and the reflection of $P$ wrt to $A$ is $P'$ , then midpoint of $AP'$ would be red. Is it possible to make the midpoint of $AB$ red after a finite number of moves?
2021 Iran MO (2nd Round)
Day 1
Call a positive integer $n$ "Fantastic" if none of its digits are zero and it is possible to remove one of its digits and reach to an integer which is a divisor of $n$ . ( for example , 25 is fantastic , as if we remove digit 2 , resulting number would be 5 which is divisor of 25 ) Prove that the number of Fantastic numbers is finite.
Circle $\omega$ is inscribed in quadrilateral $ABCD$ and is tangent to segments $BC, AD$ at $E,F$ , respectively.$DE$ intersects $\omega$ for the second time at $X$. if the circumcircle of triangle $DFX$ is tangent to lines $AB$ and $CD$ , prove that quadrilateral $AFXC$ is cyclic.
Day 2
$n$ points are given on a circle $\omega$. There is a circle with radius smaller than $\omega$ such that all these points lie inside or on the boundary of this circle. Prove that we can draw a diameter of $\omega$ with endpoints not belonging to the given points such that all the $n$ given points remain in one side of the diameter.
1400 real numbers are given. Prove that one can choose three of them like $x,y,z$ such that : $$\left|\frac{(x-y)(y-z)(z-x)}{x^4+y^4+z^4+1}\right| < 0.009$$
Is it possible to arrange 1400 positive integer ( not necessarily distinct ) ,at least one of them being 2021 , around a circle such that any number on this circle equals to the sum of gcd of the two previous numbers and two next numbers? for example , if $a,b,c,d,e$ are five consecutive numbers on this circle , $c=\gcd(a,b)+\gcd(d,e)$