Show that a triangle whose side lengths are prime numbers cannot have integer area.
2003 Croatia National Olympiad
1st Grade
The product of the positive real numbers $x, y, z$ is 1. Show that if \[ \frac{1}{x}+\frac{1}{y} + \frac{1}{z} \geq x+y+z \]then \[ \frac{1}{x^{k}}+\frac{1}{y^{k}} + \frac{1}{z^{k}} \geq x^{k}+y^{k}+z^{k} \] for all positive integers $k$.
In an isosceles triangle with base $a$, lateral side $b$, and height to the base $v$, it holds that $\frac a2+v\ge b\sqrt2$. Find the angles of the triangle. Compute its area if $b=8\sqrt2$.
How many divisors of $30^{2003}$ are there which do not divide $20^{2000}$?
2nd Grade
Find all pairs of real numbers $(x,y)$ satisfying $$(2x+1)^2+y^2+(y-2x)^2=\frac13.$$
Let $M$ be a point inside square $ABCD$ and $A_1,B_1,C_1,D_1$ be the second intersection points of $AM$, $BM$, $CM$, $DM$ with the circumcircle of the square. Prove that $A_1B_1\cdot C_1D_1=A_1D_1\cdot B_1C_1$.
For positive numbers $a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_n$ ($n\ge2$) denote $s=a_1+\ldots+a_n$. Prove that $$\frac{a_1}{s-a_1}+\ldots+\frac{a_n}{s-a_n}\ge\frac n{n-1}.$$
Find the least possible cardinality of a set $A$ of natural numbers, the smallest and greatest of which are $1$ and $100$, and having the property that every element of $A$ except for $1$ equals the sum of two elements of $A$.
3rd Grade
Let $a,b,c$ be the sides of triangle $ABC$ and let $\alpha,\beta,\gamma$ be the corresponding angles. (a) If $\alpha=3\beta$, prove that $\left(a^2-b^2\right)(a-b)=bc^2$. (b) Is the converse true?
For every integer $n>2$, prove the equality $$\left\lfloor\frac{n(n+1)}{4n-2}\right\rfloor=\left\lfloor\frac{n+1}4\right\rfloor.$$
In a tetrahedron $ABCD$, all angles at vertex $D$ are equal to $\alpha$ and all dihedral angles between faces having $D$ as a vertex are equal to $\phi$. Prove that there exists a unique $\alpha$ for which $\phi=2\alpha$.
Given $8$ unit cubes, $24$ of their faces are painted in blue and the remaining $24$ faces in red. Show that it is always possible to assemble these cubes into a cube of edge $2$ on whose surface there are equally many blue and red unit squares.
4th Grade
Let $I$ be a point on the bisector of angle $BAC$ of a triangle $ABC$. Points $M,N$ are taken on the respective sides $AB$ and $AC$ so that $\angle ABI=\angle NIC$ and $\angle ACI=\angle MIB$. Show that $I$ is the incenter of triangle $ABC$ if and only if points $M,N$ and $I$ are collinear.
A sequence $(a_n)_{n\ge0}$ satisfies $a_{m+n}+a_{m-n}=\frac12\left(a_{2m}+a_{2n}\right)$ for all integers $m,n$ with $m\ge n\ge0$. Given that $a_1=1$, find $a_{2003}$.
The natural numbers $1$ through $2003$ are arranged in a sequence. We repeatedly perform the following operation: If the first number in the sequence is $k$, the order of the first $k$ terms is reversed. Prove that after several operations number $1$ will occur on the first place.
Prove that the number $\binom np-\left\lfloor\frac np\right\rfloor$ is divisible by $p$ for every prime number and integer $n\ge p$.