2005 Slovenia National Olympiad

1st Grade

Problem 1

If $x,y,z$ are real numbers such that $xyz=1$, evaluate $$\frac{x+1}{xy+x+1}+\frac{y+1}{yz+y+1}+\frac{z+1}{zx+z+1}.$$

Problem 2

Find all prime numbers $p$ for which the number $p^2+11$ has less than $11$ divisors.

Problem 3

Suppose that a triangle $ABC$ with incenter $I$ satisfies $CA+AI=BC$. Find the ratio between the measures of the angles $\angle BAC$ and $\angle CBA$.

Problem 4

The friends Alex, Ben, and Charles prepared a lot of labels and wrote one of the numbers $2,3,4,5,6,7,8$ on each label. Then Mary joined them and glued one label onto the forehead of each friend. Of course, each of the friends can see the labels on the others’ foreheads, but not the one on his own forehead. Mary told them: ”The numbers on your foreheads are not all distinct, and their product is a perfect square.” Can any of the friends find out the number on his forehead?

2nd Grade

Problem 1

Find all real numbers $x,y$ such that $x^3-y^3=7(x-y)$ and $x^3+y^3=5(x+y)$.

Problem 2

For which prime numbers $p$ and $q$ is $(p+1)^q$ a perfect square?

Problem 3

Let $T$ be a point inside a square $ABCD$. The lines $TA,TB,TC,TD$ meet the circumcircle of $ABCD$ again at $A',B',C',D'$, respectively. Prove that $A'B'\cdot C'D'=A'D'\cdot B'C'$.

Problem 4

The village chatterboxes are exchanging their gossip by phone every day so that any two of them talk to each other exactly once. A certain day, every chatterbox called up at least one of the other chatterboxes. Show that there exist three chatterboxes such that the first called up the second, the second called up the third, and the third called up the first.

3rd Grade

Problem 1

Evaluate the sum $\left\lfloor\log_21\right\rfloor+\left\lfloor\log_22\right\rfloor+\left\lfloor\log_23\right\rfloor+\ldots+\left\lfloor\log_2256\right\rfloor$.

Problem 2

Find the smallest prime number $p$ for which the number $p^3+2p^2+p$ has exactly $42$ divisors.

Problem 3

In an isosceles triangle $ABC$ with $AB = AC$, $D$ is the midpoint of $AC$ and $E$ is the projection of $D$ onto $BC$. Let $F$ be the midpoint of $DE$. Prove that the lines $BF$ and $AE$ are perpendicular if and only if the triangle $ABC$ is equilateral.

Problem 4

Several teams from Littletown and Bigtown took part on a tournament. There were nine more teams from Bigtown than those from Littletown. Any two teams played exactly one match, and the winner and loser got 1 and 0 points respectively (no ties). The teams from Bigtown in total gained nine times more points than those from Littletown. What is the maximum possible number of wins of the best team from Littletown?

4th Grade

Problem 1

Find all positive numbers $x$ such that $20\{x\}+0.5\lfloor x\rfloor = 2005$.

Problem 2

Let $(a_n)$ be a geometrical progression with positive terms. Define $S_n=\log a_1+\log a_2+\ldots+\log a_n$. Prove that if $S_n=S_m$ for some $m\ne n$, then $S_{n+m}=0$.

Problem 3

The tangent lines from a point $P$ meet a circle $k$ at $A$ and $B$. Let $X$ be an arbitrary point on the shorter arc $AB$, and $C$ and $D$ be the orthogonal projections of $P$ onto the lines $AX$ and $BX$, respectively. Prove that the line $CD$ passes through a fixed point $Y$ as $X$ moves along the arc $AB$.

Problem 4

William was bored at the math lesson, so he drew a circle and $n\ge3$ empty cells around the circumference. In every cell he wrote a positive number. Later on he erased the numbers and in every cell wrote the geometric mean of the numbers previously written in the two neighboring cells. Show that there exists a cell whose number was not replaced by a larger number.