Prove that there are positive integers $a_1, a_2,\dots, a_{2020}$ such that $$\dfrac{1}{a_1}+\dfrac{1}{2a_2}+\dfrac{1}{3a_3}+\dots+\dfrac{1}{2020a_{2020}}=1.$$
2020 Brazil National Olympiad
Monday, March 15 (2021) - Day 1
For a positive integer $a$, define $F_1 ^{(a)}=1$, $F_2 ^{(a)}=a$ and for $n>2$, $F_n ^{(a)}=F_{n-1} ^{(a)}+F_{n-2} ^{(a)}$. A positive integer is fibonatic when it is equal to $F_n ^{(a)}$ for a positive integer $a$ and $n>3$. Prove that there are infintely many not fibonatic integers.
Let $r_A,r_B,r_C$ rays from point $P$. Define circles $w_A,w_B,w_C$ with centers $X,Y,Z$ such that $w_a$ is tangent to $r_B,r_C , w_B$ is tangent to $r_A, r_C$ and $w_C$ is tangent to $r_A,r_B$. Suppose $P$ lies inside triangle $XYZ$, and let $s_A,s_B,s_C$ be the internal tangents to circles $w_B$ and $w_C$; $w_A$ and $w_C$; $w_A$ and $w_B$ that do not contain rays $r_A,r_B,r_C$ respectively. Prove that $s_A, s_B, s_C$ concur at a point $Q$, and also that $P$ and $Q$ are isotomic conjugates. PS: The rays can be lines and the problem is still true.
Tuesday, March 16 (2021) - Day 2
Let $ABC$ be a triangle. The ex-circles touch sides $BC, CA$ and $AB$ at points $U, V$ and $W$, respectively. Be $r_u$ a straight line that passes through $U$ and is perpendicular to $BC$, $r_v$ the straight line that passes through $V$ and is perpendicular to $AC$ and $r_w$ the straight line that passes through W and is perpendicular to $AB$. Prove that the lines $r_u$, $r_v$ and $r_w$ pass through the same point.
Let $n$ and $k$ be positive integers with $k$ $\le$ $n$. In a group of $n$ people, each one or always speak the truth or always lie. Arnaldo can ask questions for any of these people provided these questions are of the type: “In set $A$, what is the parity of people who speak to true? ”, where $A$ is a subset of size $ k$ of the set of $n$ people. The answer can only be “$even$” or “$odd$”. a) For which values of $n$ and $k$ is it possible to determine which people speak the truth and which people always lie? b) What is the minimum number of questions required to determine which people speak the truth and which people always lie, when that number is finite?
Let $f (x) = 2x^2 + x - 1$, $f^0(x) = x$ and $f^{n + 1}(x) = f (f^n(x))$ for all real $x$ and $n \ge 0$ integer . (a) Determine the number of real distinct solutions of the equation of $f^3(x) = x$. (b) Determine, for each integer $n \ge 0$, the number of real distinct solutions of the equation $f^n(x) = 0$.
level 2
Let $ABC$ be an acute triangle and $AD$ a height. The angle bissector of $\angle DAC$ intersects $DC$ at $E$. Let $F$ be a point on $AE$ such that $BF$ is perpendicular to $AE$. If $\angle BAE=45º$, find $\angle BFC$.
The following sentece is written on a board: The equation $x^2-824x+\blacksquare 143=0$ has two integer solutions. Where $\blacksquare$ represents algarisms of a blurred number on the board. What are the possible equations originally on the board?
Consider an inifinte sequence $x_1, x_2,\dots$ of positive integers such that, for every integer $n\geq 1$: If $x_n$ is even, $x_{n+1}=\dfrac{x_n}{2}$; If $x_n$ is odd, $x_{n+1}=\dfrac{x_n-1}{2}+2^{k-1}$, where $2^{k-1}\leq x_n<2^k$. Determine the smaller possible value of $x_1$ for which $2020$ is in the sequence.
A positive integer is brazilian if the first digit and the last digit are equal. For instance, $4$ and $4104$ are brazilians, but $10$ is not brazilian. A brazilian number is superbrazilian if it can be written as sum of two brazilian numbers. For instance, $101=99+2$ and $22=11+11$ are superbrazilians, but $561=484+77$ is not superbrazilian, because $561$ is not brazilian. How many $4$-digit numbers are superbrazilians?
Let $ABC$ be a triangle and $M$ the midpoint of $AB$. Let circumcircles of triangles $CMO$ and $ABC$ intersect at $K$ where $O$ is the circumcenter of $ABC$. Let $P$ be the intersection of lines $OM$ and $CK$. Prove that $\angle{PAK} = \angle{MCB}$.
Let $k$ be a positive integer. Arnaldo and Bernaldo play a game in a table $2020\times 2020$, initially all the cells are empty. In each round a player chooses a empty cell and put one red token or one blue token, Arnaldo wins if in some moment, there are $k$ consecutive cells in the same row or column with tokens of same color, if all the cells have a token and there aren't $k$ consecutive cells(row or column) with same color, then Bernaldo wins. If the players play alternately and Arnaldo goes first, determine for which values of $k$, Arnaldo has the winning strategy.