2021 Vietnam National Olympiad

Day 1


Let $(x_n)$ define by $x_1\in \left(0;\dfrac{1}{2}\right)$ and $x_{n+1}=3x_n^2-2nx_n^3$ for all $n\ge 1$. a) Prove that $(x_n)$ convergence to $0$. b) For each $n\ge 1$, let $y_n=x_1+2x_2+\cdots+n x_n$. Prove that $(y_n)$ has a limit.


Find all function $f:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$ such that \[f(x)f(y)=f(xy-1)+yf(x)+xf(y)\]for all $x,y \in \mathbb{R}$


Let $\bigtriangleup ABC$ is not an isosceles triangle and is an acute triangle, $AD,BE,CF$ be the altitudes and $H$ is the orthocenter .Let $I$ is the circumcenter of $\bigtriangleup HEF$ and let $K,J$ is the midpoint of $BC,EF$ respectively.Let $HJ$ intersects $(I)$ again at $G$ and $GK$ intersects $(I)$ at $L\neq G$. a) Prove that $AL$ is perpendicular to $EF$. b) Let $AL$ intersects $EF$ at $M$, the line $IM$ intersects the circumcircle $\bigtriangleup IEF$ again at $N$, $DN$ intersects $AB,AC$ at $P$ and $Q$ respectively then prove that $PE,QF,AK$ are concurrent.


For an integer $ n \geq 2 $, let $ s (n) $ be the sum of positive integers not exceeding $ n $ and not relatively prime to $ n $. a) Prove that $ s (n) = \dfrac {n} {2} \left (n + 1- \varphi (n) \right) $, where $ \varphi (n) $ is the number of integers positive cannot exceed $ n $ and are relatively prime to $ n $. b) Prove that there is no integer $ n \geq 2 $ such that $ s (n) = s (n + 2021) $

Day 2


Let the polynomial $P(x)=a_{21}x^{21}+a_{20}x^{20}+\cdots +a_1x+a_0$ where $1011\leq a_i\leq 2021$ for all $i=0,1,2,...,21.$ Given that $P(x)$ has an integer root and there exists an positive real number$c$ such that $|a_{k+2}-a_k|\leq c$ for all $k=0,1,...,19.$ a) Prove that $P(x)$ has an only integer root. b) Prove that $$\sum_{k=0}^{10}(a_{2k+1}-a_{2k})^2\leq 440c^2.$$


A student divides all $30$ marbles into $5$ boxes numbered $1, 2, 3, 4, 5$ (after being divided, there may be a box with no marbles). a) How many ways are there to divide marbles into boxes (are two different ways if there is a box with a different number of marbles)? b) After dividing, the student paints those $30$ marbles by a number of colors (each with the same color, one color can be painted for many marbles), so that there are no $2$ marbles in the same box. have the same color and from any $2$ boxes it is impossible to choose $8$ marbles painted in $4$ colors. Prove that for every division, the student must use no less than $10$ colors to paint the marbles. c) Show a division so that with exactly $10$ colors the student can paint the marbles that satisfy the conditions in question b).


Let $ ABC $ be an inscribed triangle in circle $ (O) $. Let $ D $ be the intersection of the two tangent lines of $ (O) $ at $ B $ and $ C $. The circle passing through $ A $ and tangent to $ BC $ at $ B $ intersects the median passing $ A $ of the triangle $ ABC $ at $ G $. Lines $ BG, CG $ intersect $ CD, BD $ at $ E, F $ respectively. a) The line passing through the midpoint of $ BE $ and $ CF $ cuts $ BF, CE $ at $ M, N $ respectively. Prove that the points $ A, D, M, N $ belong to the same circle. b) Let $ AD, AG $ intersect the circumcircle of the triangles $ DBC, GBC $ at $ H, K $ respectively. The perpendicular bisectors of $ HK, HE$, and $HF $ cut $ BC, CA$, and $AB $ at $ R, P$, and $Q $ respectively. Prove that the points $ R, P$, and $Q $ are collinear.