

Tags: algebra, polynomial, integration

Let $c$ be a nonzero real number. Suppose that $g(x)=c_0x^r+c_1x^{r-1}+\cdots+c_{r-1}x+c_r$ is a polynomial with integer coefficients. Suppose that the roots of $g(x)$ are $b_1,\cdots,b_r$. Let $k$ be a given positive integer. Show that there is a prime $p$ such that $p>\max(k,|c|,|c_r|)$, and moreover if $t$ is a real number between $0$ and $1$, and $j$ is one of $1,\cdots,r$, then \[|(\text{ }c^r\text{ }b_j\text{}g(tb_j)\text{ })^pe^{(1-t)b}|<\dfrac{(p-1)!}{2r}.\] Furthermore, if \[f(x)=\dfrac{e^{rp-1}x^{p-1}(g(x))^p}{(p-1)!}\] then \[\left|\sum_{j=1}^r\int_0^1 e^{(1-t)b_j}f(tb_j)dt\right|\leq \dfrac{1}{2}.\]