Determine the number of integers $n \ge 2$ for which the congruence \[x^{25}\equiv x \; \pmod{n}\] is true for all integers $x$.
Tags: modular arithmetic, Congruences
25.05.2007 03:24
Suppose that $n$ is such number and: $n = p_1^{\alpha_1}p_2^{\alpha_2}...p_m^{\alpha_m}$ so for $i=1,2,...,m$ we have: $x^{25} \equiv x \mod{p_i^{\alpha_i}}$ By plugging $x=p_i$ we can easily see that $\alpha_i=1$. Now, for every prime $p_i$ there exist a primitive root mod $p_i$. Call it $g_i$. Since order of $g_i$ is $p_i-1$ and we have $x^{24} \equiv 1 \mod{p_i}$ it follows that $p_i-1|24$. Now it's only a matter of simple calculating.
15.12.2009 15:20
Isnt this Bulgaria 1995 Mathematical Olympiad ?
15.12.2009 17:55
It could be, I don't have access to these sources. Can anyone confirm this? Thanks for the report by the way.
15.12.2009 18:42
Yes it is confirmed . See this ......this is what I could get from here
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