2020 Silk Road


Given a strictly increasing infinite sequence of natural numbers $ a_1, $ $ a_2, $ $ a_3, $ $ \ldots $. It is known that $ a_n \leq n + 2020 $ and the number $ n ^ 3 a_n - 1 $ is divisible by $ a_ {n + 1} $ for all natural numbers $ n $. Prove that $ a_n = n $ for all natural numbers $ n $.


The triangle $ ABC $ is inscribed in the circle $ \omega $. Points $ K, L, M $ are marked on the sides $ AB, BC, CA $, respectively, and $ CM \cdot CL = AM \cdot BL $. Ray $ LK $ intersects line $ AC $ at point $ P $. The common chord of the circle $ \omega $ and the circumscribed circle of the triangle $ KMP $ meets the segment $ AM $ at the point $ S $. Prove that $ SK \parallel BC $.


A polynomial $ Q (x) = k_n x ^ n + k_ {n-1} x ^ {n-1} + \ldots + k_1 x + k_0 $ with real coefficients is called powerful if the equality $ | k_0 | = | k_1 | + | k_2 | + \ldots + | k_ {n-1} | + | k_n | $, and non-increasing , if $ k_0 \geq k_1 \geq \ldots \geq k_ {n-1} \geq k_n $. Let for the polynomial $ P (x) = a_d x ^ d + a_ {d-1} x ^ {d-1} + \ldots + a_1 x + a_0 $ with nonzero real coefficients, where $ a_d> 0 $, the polynomial $ P (x) (x-1) ^ t (x + 1) ^ s $ is powerful for some non-negative integers $ s $ and $ t $ ($ s + t> 0 $). Prove that at least one of the polynomials $ P (x) $ and $ (- 1) ^ d P (-x) $ is nonincreasing.


Prove that for any natural number $ m $ there exists a natural number $ n $ such that any $ n $ distinct points on the plane can be partitioned into $ m $ non-empty sets whose convex hulls have a common point. The convex hull of a finite set $ X $ of points on the plane is the set of points lying inside or on the boundary of at least one convex polygon with vertices in $ X $, including degenerate ones, that is, the segment and the point are considered convex polygons. No three vertices of a convex polygon are collinear. The polygon contains its border.