2006 Junior Tuymaada Olympiad


On the equal $ AC $ and $ BC $ of an isosceles right triangle $ ABC $ , points $ D $ and $ E $ are marked respectively, so that $ CD = CE $. Perpendiculars on the straight line $ AE $, passing through the points $ C $ and $ D $, intersect the side $ AB $ at the points $ P $ and $ Q $.Prove that $ BP = PQ $.


Ten different odd primes are given. Is it possible that for any two of them, the difference of their sixteenth powers to be divisible by all the remaining ones ?


Given a convex $ n $-gon ($ n \geq 5 $). Prove that the number of triangles of area $1$ with vertices at the vertices of the $ n $-gon does not exceed $ \frac{1}{3} n (2n-5) $.


The sum of non-negative numbers $ x $, $ y $ and $ z $ is $3$. Prove the inequality $$ {1 \over x ^ 2 + y + z} + {1 \over x + y ^ 2 + z} + {1 \over x + y + z ^ 2} \leq 1. $$


The quadratic trinomials $ f $, $ g $ and $ h $ are such that for every real $ x $ the numbers $ f (x) $, $ g (x) $ and $ h (x) $ are the lengths of the sides of some triangles, and the numbers $ f (x) -1 $, $ g (x) -1 $ and $ h (x) -1 $ are not the lengths of the sides of the triangle. Prove that at least of the polynomials $ f + g-h $, $ f + h-g $, $ g + h-f $ is constant.


Palindromic partitioning of the natural number $ A $ is called, when $ A $ is written as the sum of natural the terms $ A = a_1 + a_2 + \ ldots + a_ {n-1} + a_n $ ($ n \geq 1 $), in which $ a_1 = a_n , a_2 = a_ {n-1} $ and in general, $ a_i = a_ {n + 1 - i} $ with $ 1 \leq i \leq n $. For example, $ 16 = 16 $, $ 16 = 2 + 12 + 2 $ and $ 16 = 7 + 1 + 1 + 7 $ are palindromic partitions of the number $16$. Find the number of all palindromic partitions of the number $2006$.


The median $ BM $ of a triangle $ ABC $ intersects the circumscribed circle at point $ K $. The circumcircle of the triangle $ KMC $ intersects the segment $ BC $ at point $ P $, and the circumcircle of $ AMK $ intersects the extension of $ BA $ at $ Q $. Prove that $ PQ> AC $.


From a $8\times 7$ rectangle divided into unit squares, we cut the corner, which consists of the first row and the first column. (that is, the corner has $14$ unit squares). For the following, when we say corner we reffer to the above definition, along with rotations and symmetry. Consider an infinite lattice of unit squares. We will color the squares with $k$ colors, such that for any corner, the squares in that corner are coloured differently (that means that there are no squares coloured with the same colour). Find out the minimum of $k$.