Let $S$ is a finite set with $n$ elements. We divided $AS$ to $m$ disjoint parts such that if $A$, $B$, $A \cup B$ are in the same part, then $A=B.$ Find the minimum value of $m$.
2020 Iran MO (2nd Round)
Day 1
let $x,y,z$ be positive reals , such that $x+y+z=1399$ find the $$\max( [x]y + [y]z + [z]x ) $$( $[a]$ is the biggest integer not exceeding $a$)
let $\omega_1$ be a circle with $O_1$ as its center , let $\omega_2$ be a circle passing through $O_1$ with center $O_2$ let $A$ be one of the intersection of $\omega_1$ and $\omega_2$ let $x$ be a line tangent line to $\omega_1$ passing from $A$ let $\omega_3$ be a circle passing through $O_1,O_2$ with its center on the line $x$ and intersect $\omega_2$ at $P$ (not $O_1$) prove that the reflection of $P$ through $x$ is on $\omega_1$
Day 2
Let $\omega_1$ and $\omega_2$ be two circles that intersect at point $A$ and $B$. Define point $X$ on $\omega_1$ and point $Y$ on $\omega_2$ such that the line $XY$ is tangent to both circles and is closer to $B$. Define points $C$ and $D$ the reflection of $B$ WRT $X$ and $Y$ respectively. Prove that the angle $\angle{CAD}$ is less than $90^{\circ}$
Call a pair of integers $a$ and $b$ square makers , if $ab+1$ is a perfect square. Determine for which $n$ is it possible to divide the set $\{1,2, \dots , 2n\}$ into $n$ pairs of square makers.
Divide a circle into $2n$ equal sections. We call a circle filled if it is filled with the numbers $0,1,2,\dots,n-1$. We call a filled circle good if it has the following properties: $i$. Each number $0 \leq a \leq n-1$ is used exactly twice $ii$. For any $a$ we have that there are exactly $a$ sections between the two sections that have the number $a$ in them. Here is an example of a good filling for $n=5$ (View attachment) Prove that there doesn’t exist a good filling for $n=1399$