2010 Junior Balkan Team Selection Tests - Romania

Day 1


Determine the prime numbers $p, q, r$ with the property $\frac {1} {p} + \frac {1} {q} + \frac {1} {r} \ge 1$


Let $ABCD$ be a convex quadrilateral with $\angle BCD= 120^o, \angle {CBA} = 45^o, \angle {CBD} = 15^o$ and $\angle {CAB} = 90^o$. Show that $AB = AD$.


Let $n \ne 0$ be a natural number and integers $x_1, x_2, ...., x_n, y_1, y_2, ...., y_n$ with the properties: a) $x_1 + x_2 + .... + x_n = y_1 + y_2 + .... + y_n = 0,$ b) $x_1 ^ 2 + y_1 ^ 2 = x_2 ^ 2 + y_2 ^ 2 = .... = x_n ^ 2 + y_n ^ 2$. Show that $n$ is even.


Let $ABC$ be an isosceles triangle with $AB = AC$ and let $n$ be a natural number, $n>1$. On the side $AB$ we consider the point $M$ such that $n \cdot AM = AB$. On the side $BC$ we consider the points $P_1, P_2, ....., P_ {n-1}$ such that $BP_1 = P_1P_2 = .... = P_ {n-1} C = \frac{1}{n} BC$. Show that: $\angle {MP_1A} + \angle {MP_2A} + .... + \angle {MP_ {n-1} A} = \frac{1} {2} \angle {BAC}$.


Let $n$ be a non-zero natural number, $n \ge 5$. Consider $n$ distinct points in the plane, each colored or white, or black. For each natural $k$ , a move of type $k, 1 \le k <\frac {n} {2}$, means selecting exactly $k$ points and changing their color. Determine the values of $n$ for which, whatever $k$ and regardless of the initial coloring, there is a finite sequence of $k$ type moves, at the end of which all points have the same color.

Day 2


We consider on a circle a finite number of real numbers with the sum strictly greater than $0$. Of all the sums that have as terms numbers on consecutive positions on the circle, let $S$ be the largest sum and $s$ the smallest sum. Show that $S + s> 0$.


Let $a_1, a_2, ..., a_n$ real numbers such that $a_1 + a_2 + ... + a_n = 0$ and $| a_1 | + | a_2 | + ... + | a_n | = 1$. Show that: $| a _ 1 + 2 a _ 2 + ... + n a _ n | \le \frac {n-1} {2}$.


Determine the integers $n, n \ge 2$, with the property that the numbers $1! , 2 ! , 3 ! , ..., (n- 1)!$ give different remainders when dividing by $n $.


Let $I$ be the incenter of scalene triangle ABC and denote by $a,$ $b$ the circles with diameters $IC$ and $IB$, respectively. If $c,$ $d$ mirror images of $a,$ $b$ in $IC$ and $IB$ prove that the circumcenter $O$ of triangle $ABC$ lies on the radical axis of $c$ and $d$.

Day 3


Consider two equilateral triangles $ABC$ and $MNP$ with the property that $AB \parallel MN, BC \parallel NP$ and $CA \parallel PM$ , so that the surfaces of the triangles intersect after a convex hexagon. The distances between the three pairs of parallel lines are at most equal to $1$. Show that at least one of the two triangles has the side at most equal to $\sqrt {3}$ .


Let $n$ be an integer, $n \ge 2$. For each number $k = 1, 2, ....., n,$ denote by $a _ k$ the number of multiples of $k$ in the set $\{1, 2,. .., n \}$ and let $x _ k = \frac {1} {1} + \frac {1} {2} + \frac {1} {3} _... + \frac {1} {a _ k}$ . Show that: $$\frac {x _ 1 + x _ 2 + ... + x _ n} {n} \le \frac {1} {1 ^ 2} + \frac {1} {2 ^ 2} + ... + \frac {1} {n ^ 2} $$.


We consider the real numbers $a _ 1, a _ 2, a _ 3, a _ 4, a _ 5$ with the zero sum and the property that $| a _ i - a _ j | \le 1$ , whatever it may be $i,j \in \{1, 2, 3, 4, 5 \} $. Show that $a _ 1 ^ 2 + a _ 2 ^ 2 + a _ 3 ^ 2 + a _ 4 ^ 2 + a _ 5 ^ 2 \le \frac {6} {5}$ .


Let a triangle $ABC$ , $O$ it's circumcenter , $H$ ortocenter and $M$ the midpoint of $AH$. The perpendicular at $M$ to line $OM$ meets $AB$ and $AC$ at points $P$, respective $Q$. Prove that $MP=MQ$. Babis

Day 4


Determine the prime numbers $p, q, r$ with the property that: $p(p-7) + q (q-7) = r (r-7)$.


Show that: a) There is a sequence of non-zero natural numbers $a_1, a_2, ...$ uniquely determined, so that: $n = \sum _ {d | n} a _ d$ for whatever $n \in N ^ {*}$ . b) There is a sequence of non-zero natural numbers $b_1, b_2, ...$ uniquely determined, so that: $n = \prod _ {d | n} b _ d$ for whatever $n \in N ^ {*}$ . Note: The sum from a), respectively the product from b), are made after all the natural divisors $d$ of the number $n$ , including $1$ and $n$ .


Let $ABC$ be a triangle inscribed in the circle $(O)$. Let $I$ be the center of the circle inscribed in the triangle and $D$ the point of contact of the circle inscribed with the side $BC$. Let $M$ be the second intersection point of the bisector $AI$ with the circle $(O)$ and let $P$ be the point where the line $DM$ intersects the circle $(O)$ . Show that $PA \perp PI$.


The plan considers $51$ points of integer coordinates, so that the distances between any two points are natural numbers. Show that at least $49\%$ of the distances are even.

Day 5


Let $p$ be a prime number, $p> 5$. Determine the non-zero natural numbers $x$ with the property that $5p + x$ divides $5p ^ n + x ^ n$, whatever $n \in N ^ {*} $.


Let $ABC$ be a triangle and $D, E, F$ the midpoints of the sides $BC, CA, AB$ respectively. Show that $\angle DAC = \angle ABE$ if and only if $\angle AFC = \angle BDA$


Let $a, b, c$ be real numbers with the property as $ab + bc + ca = 1$. Show that: $$\frac {(a + b) ^ 2 + 1} {c ^ 2 + 2} + \frac {(b + c) ^ 2 + 1} {a ^ 2 + 2} + \frac {(c + a) ^ 2 + 1} {b ^ 2 + 2} \ge 3 $$.


An $8 \times 8$ chessboard consists of $64$ square units. In some of the unit squares of the board, diagonals are drawn so that any two diagonals have no common points. What is the maximum number of diagonals that can be drawn?