Consider a rhombus $ABCD$ with center $O$. A point $P$ is given inside the rhombus, but not situated on the diagonals. Let $M,N,Q,R$ be the projections of $P$ on the sides $(AB), (BC), (CD), (DA)$, respectively. The perpendicular bisectors of the segments $MN$ and $RQ$ meet at $S$ and the perpendicular bisectors of the segments $NQ$ and $MR$ meet at $T$. Prove that $P, S, T$ and $O$ are the vertices of a rectangle.
2003 Junior Balkan Team Selection Tests - Romania
Day 1
Consider the prime numbers $n_1< n_2 <...< n_{31}$. Prove that if $30$ divides $n_1^4 + n_2^4+...+n_{31}^4$, then among these numbers one can find three consecutive primes.
Let $n$ be a positive integer. Prove that there are no positive integers $x$ and $y$ such as $\sqrt{n}+\sqrt{n+1} < \sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y} <\sqrt{4n+2} $
Show that one can color all the points of a plane using only two colors such that no line segment has all points of the same color.
Day 2
Let $a, b, c$ be positive real numbers with $abc = 1$. Prove that $1 + \frac{3}{a+b+c}\ge \frac{6}{ab+bc+ca}$
Two circles $C_1(O_1)$ and $C_2(O_2)$ with distinct radii meet at points $A$ and $B$. The tangent from $A$ to $C_1$ intersects the tangent from $B$ to $C_2$ at point $M$. Show that both circles are seen from $M$ under the same angle.
Five real numbers of absolute values not greater than $1$ and having the sum equal to $1$ are written on the circumference of a circle. Prove that one can choose three consecutively disposed numbers $a, b, c$, such that all the sums $a + b,b + c$ and $a + b + c$ are nonnegative.
Let $E$ be the midpoint of the side $CD$ of a square $ABCD$. Consider the point $M$ inside the square such that $\angle MAB = \angle MBC = \angle BME = x$. Find the angle $x$.
Day 3
Suppose $ABCD$ and $AEFG$ are rectangles such that the points $B,E,D,G$ are collinear (in this order). Let the lines $BC$ and $GF$ intersect at point $T$ and let the lines $DC$ and $EF$ intersect at point $H$. Prove that points $A, H$ and $T$ are collinear.
Let $a$ be a positive integer such that the number $a^n$ has an odd number of digits in the decimal representation for all $n > 0$. Prove that the number $a$ is an even power of $10$.
A set of $2003$ positive integers is given. Show that one can find two elements such that their sum is not a divisor of the sum of the other elements.
Two unit squares with parallel sides overlap by a rectangle of area $1/8$. Find the extreme values of the distance between the centers of the squares.