Find the minimum value of the expression $f(a, b, c) = (a + b)^4 + (b + c)^4 + (c + a)^4 - \frac47 (a^4 + b^4 + c^4)$, as $a, b, c$ varies over the set of all real numbers
2009 Postal Coaching
Set 1
Determine, with proof, all the integer solutions of the equation $x^3 + 2y^3 + 4z^3 - 6xyz = 1$.
Let $ABC$ be a triangle with circumcentre $O$ and incentre $I$ such that $O$ is different from $I$. Let $AK, BL, CM$ be the altitudes of $ABC$, let $U, V , W$ be the mid-points of $AK, BL, CM$ respectively. Let $D, E, F$ be the points at which the in-circle of $ABC$ respectively touches the sides $BC, CA, AB$. Prove that the lines $UD, VE, WF$ and $OI$ are concurrent.
For positive integers $n \ge 3$ and $r \ge 1$, define $$P(n, r) = (n - 2)\frac{r^2}{2} - (n - 4) \frac{r}{2}$$We call a triple $(a, b, c)$ of natural numbers, with $a \le b \le c$, an $n$-gonal Pythagorean triple if $P(n, a)+P(n, b) = P(n, c)$. (For $n = 4$, we get the usual Pythagorean triple.) (a) Find an $n$-gonal Pythagorean triple for each $n \ge 3$. (b) Consider all triangles $ABC$ whose sides are $n$-gonal Pythagorean triples for some $n \ge 3$. Find the maximum and the minimum possible values of angle $C$.
Define a sequence $<x_n>$ by $x_1 = 1, x_2 = x, x_{n+2} = xx_{n+1} + nx_n, n \ge 1$. Consider the polynomial $P_n(x) = x_{n-1}x_{n+1} - x_n^2$, for each $n \ge 2$. Prove or disprove that the coefficients of $P_n(x)$ are all non-negative, except for the constant term when $n$ is odd.
Set 2
Let $n \ge 1$ be an integer. Prove that there exists a set $S$ of $n$ positive integers with the following property: if $A$ and $B$ are any two distinct non-empty subsets of $S$, then the averages $\frac{P_{x\in A} x}{|A|}$ and $\frac{P_{x\in B} x}{|B|}$ are two relatively prime composite integers.
Let $a > 2$ be a natural number. Show that there are infinitely many natural numbers n such that $a^n \equiv -1$ (mod $n^2$).
Let $\Omega$ be an $n$-gon inscribed in the unit circle, with vertices $P_1, P_2, ..., P_n$. (a) Show that there exists a point $P$ on the unit circle such that $PP_1 \cdot PP_2\cdot ... \cdot PP_n \ge 2$. (b) Suppose for each $P$ on the unit circle, the inequality $PP_1 \cdot PP_2\cdot ... \cdot PP_n \le 2$ holds. Prove that $\Omega$ is regular.
Determine the least real number $a > 1$ such that for any point $P$ in the interior of a square $ABCD$, the ratio of the areas of some two triangle $PAB, PBC, PCD, PDA$ lies in the interval $[1/a, a]$.
Find all real polynomials $P(x)$ such that for every four distinct natural numbers $a, b, c, d$ such that $a^2 + b^2 + c^2 = 2d^2$ with $gcd(a, b, c, d) = 1$ the following equality holds: $$2(P(d))^2 + 2P(ab + bc + ca) = (P(a + b + c))^2$$.
Set 3
Let $a_1, a_2, a_3, . . . , a_n, . . . $ be an infinite sequence of natural numbers in which $a_1$ is not divisible by $5$. Suppose $a_{n+1} = a_n + b_n$ where bn is the last digit of $a_n$, for every $n$. Prove that the sequence $\{a_n\}$ contains infinitely many powers of 2.
Let $n \ge 4$ be an integer. Find the maximum value of the area of a $n$-gon which is inscribed in the circle of radius $1$ and has two perpendicular diagonals.
Let $S$ be the sum of integer weights that come with a two pan balance Scale, say $\omega_1 \le \omega_2 \le \omega_3 \le ... \le\omega_n$. Show that all integer-weighted objects in the range $1$ to $S$ can be weighed exactly if and only if $\omega_1=1$ and $$\omega_{j+1} \le 2 \left( \sum_{l=1}^{j} \omega_l\right) +1$$
Let $ABC$ be a triangle, and let $DEF$ be another triangle inscribed in the incircle of $ABC$. If $s$ and $s_1$ denote the semiperimeters of $ABC$ and $DEF$ respectively, prove that $2s_1 \le s$. When does equality hold?
For positive integers $n, k$ with $1 \le k \le n$, define $$L(n, k) = Lcm \,(n, n - 1, n -2, ..., n - k + 1)$$Let $f(n)$ be the largest value of $k$ such that $L(n, 1) < L(n, 2) < ... < L(n, k)$. Prove that $f(n) < 3\sqrt{n}$ and $f(n) > k$ if $n > k! + k$.
Set 4
Two circles $\Gamma_a$ and $\Gamma_b$ with their centres lying on the legs $BC$ and $CA$ of a right triangle, both touching the hypotenuse $AB$, and both passing through the vertex $C$ are given. Let the radii of these circles be denoted by $\gamma_a$ and $\gamma_b$. Find the greatest real number $p$ such that the inequality $\frac{1}{\gamma_a}+\frac{1}{\gamma_b}\ge p \left(\frac{1}{a}+\frac{1}{b}\right)$ ($BC = a,CA = b$) holds for all right triangles $ABC$.
Find all pairs $(x, y)$ of natural numbers $x$ and $y$ such that $\frac{xy^2}{x+y}$ is a prime
Find all real polynomial functions $f : R \to R$ such that $f(\sin x) = f(\cos x)$.
At each vertex of a regular $2008$-gon is placed a coin. We choose two coins and move each of them to an adjacent vertex, one in the clock-wise direction and the other in the anticlock-wise direction. Determine whether or not it is possible, by making several such pairs of moves, to move all the coins into (a) $8$ heaps of $251$ coins each, (b) $251$ heaps of $8$ coins each.
A point $D$ is chosen in the interior of the side $BC$ of an acute triangle $ABC$, and another point $P$ in the interior of the segment $AD$, but not lying on the median through $C$. This median (through $C$) intersects the circumcircle of a triangle $CPD$ at $K(\ne C)$. Prove that the circumcircle of triangle $AKP$ always passes through a fixed point $M(\ne A)$ independent of the choices of the points $D$ and $P.$
Find all pairs $(m, n)$ of positive integers $m$ and $n$ for which one has $$\sqrt{ m^2 - 4} < 2\sqrt{n} - m < \sqrt{ m^2 - 2}$$
Set 5
A circle $\Gamma$ and a line $\ell$ which does not intersect $\Gamma$ are given. Suppose $P, Q,R, S$ are variable points on circle $\Gamma$ such that the points $A = PQ\cap RS$ and $B = PS \cap QR$ lie on $\ell$. Prove that the circle on $AB$ as a diameter passes through two fixed points.
Find all non-negative integers $a, b, c, d$ such that $7^a = 4^b + 5^c + 6^d$
Let $N_0$ denote the set of nonnegative integers and $Z$ the set of all integers. Let a function $f : N_0 \times Z \to Z$ satisfy the conditions (i) $f(0, 0) = 1$, $f(0, 1) = 1$ (ii) for all $k, k \ne 0, k \ne 1$, $f(0, k) = 0$ and (iii) for all $n \ge 1$ and $k, f(n, k) = f(n -1, k) + f(n- 1, k - 2n)$. Find the value of $$\sum_{k=0}^{2009 \choose 2} f(2008, k)$$
A four - digit natural number which is divisible by $7$ is given. The number obtained by writing the digits in reverse order is also divisible by $7$. Furthermore, both the numbers leave the same remainder when divided by $37$. Find the 4-digit number.
Let $ABCD$ be a quadrilateral that has an incircle with centre $O$ and radius $r$. Let $P = AB \cap CD$, $Q = AD \cap BC$, $E = AC \cap BD$. Show that $OE \cdot d = r^2$, where $d$ is the distance of $O$ from $PQ$.
Let $n > 2$ and $n$ lamps numbered $1, 2, ..., n$ be connected in cyclic order: $1$ to $2, 2$ to $3, ..., n-1$ to $n, n$ to $1$. At the beginning all lamps are off. If the switch of a lamp is operated, the lamp and its $2$ neighbors change status: off to on, on to off. Prove that if $3$ does not divide $n$, then (all the) $2^n$ configurations can be reached and if $3$ divides $n$, then $2^{n-2}$ configurations can be reached.
Set 6
In a triangle $ABC$, let $D,E, F$ be interior points of sides $BC,CA,AB$ respectively. Let $AD,BE,CF$ meet the circumcircle of triangle $ABC$ in $K, L,M$ respectively. Prove that $\frac{AD}{DK} + \frac{BE}{EL} + \frac{CF}{FM} \ge 9$. When does the equality hold?
Solve for prime numbers $p, q, r$ : $$\frac{p}{q} - \frac{4}{r + 1}= 1$$
Let $n \ge 3$ be a positive integer. Find all nonconstant real polynomials $f_1(x), f_2(x), ..., f_n(x)$ such that $f_k(x)f_{k+1}(x) = f_{k+1}(f_{k+2}(x))$, $1 \le k \le n$ for all real x. [All suffixes are taken modulo $n$.]
All the integers from $1$ to $100$ are arranged in a $10 \times 10$ table as shown below. Prove that if some ten numbers are removed from the table, the remaining $90$ numbers contain 10 numbers in Arithmetic Progression. $1 \,\,\,\,2\,\, \,\,3 \,\,\,\,... \,\,10$ $11 \,\,12 \,\,13 \,\,... \,\,20$ $\,\,.\,\,\,\,.\,\,\,.$ $\,\,.\,\,\,\,.\,\,\,\,.$ $91 \,\,92 \,\,93\,\, ... \,\,100$
Let $P$ be an interior point of a circle and $A_1,A_2...,A_{10}$ be points on the circle such that $\angle A_1PA_2 = \angle A_2PA_3 = ... = \angle A_{10}PA_1 = 36^o$. Prove that $PA_1 + PA_3 + PA_5 + PA_7 +PA_9 = PA_2 + PA_4 + PA_6 + PA_8 + PA_{10}$.
Find all functions $f : N \to N$ such that $$\frac{f(x+y)+f(x)}{2x+f(y)}= \frac{2y+f(x)}{f(x+y)+f(y)}$$, for all $x, y$ in $N$.