Let $N \in \mathbb{N}$ and $x_k \in [-1,1]$, $1 \le k \le N$ such that $\sum_{k=1}^N x_k =s$. Find all possible values of $\sum_{k=1}^N |x_k|$
2009 Balkan MO Shortlist
Let $ABCD$ be a square and points $M$ $\in$ $BC$, $N \in CD$, $P$ $\in$ $DA$, such that $\angle BAM$ $=$ $x$, $\angle CMN$ $=$ $2x$, $\angle DNP$ $=$ $3x$ Show that, for any $x \in (0, \tfrac{\pi}{8} )$, such a configuration exists Determine the number of angles $x \in ( 0, \tfrac{\pi}{8} )$ for which $\angle APB =4x$
Denote by $S(x)$ the sum of digits of positive integer $x$ written in decimal notation. For $k$ a fixed positive integer, define a sequence $(x_n)_{n \geq 1}$ by $x_1=1$ and $x_{n+1}$ $=$ $S(kx_n)$ for all positive integers $n$. Prove that $x_n$ $<$ $27 \sqrt{k}$ for all positive integer $n$.
Denote by $ S$ the set of all positive integers. Find all functions $ f: S \rightarrow S$ such that \[ f (f^2(m) + 2f^2(n)) = m^2 + 2 n^2\] for all $ m,n \in S$. Bulgaria
Given the monic polynomial \begin{align*} P(x) = x^N +a_{N-1}x^{N-1} + \ldots + a_1 x + a_0 \in \mathbb{R}[x] \end{align*}of even degree $N$ $=$ $2n$ and having all real positive roots $x_i$, for $1 \le i \le N$. Prove, for any $c$ $\in$ $[0, \underset{1 \le i \le N}{\min} \{x_i \} )$, the following inequality \begin{align*} c + \sqrt[N]{P(c)} \le \sqrt[N]{a_0} \end{align*}
We denote the set of nonzero integers and the set of non-negative integers with $\mathbb Z^*$ and $\mathbb N_0$, respectively. Find all functions $f:\mathbb Z^* \to \mathbb N_0$ such that: $a)$ $f(a+b)\geq min(f(a), f(b))$ for all $a,b$ in $\mathbb Z^*$ for which $a+b$ is in $\mathbb Z^*$. $b)$ $f(ab)=f(a)+f(b)$ for all $a,b$ in $\mathbb Z^*$.
Let $n\geq 2$ be a positive integer and \begin{align*} P(x) = c_0 X^n + c_1 X^{n-1} + \ldots + c_{n-1} X +c_n \end{align*}be a polynomial with integer coefficients, such that $\mid c_n \mid$ is a prime number and \begin{align*} |c_0| + |c_1| + \ldots + |c_{n-1}| < |c_n| \end{align*}Prove that the polynomial $P(X)$ is irreducible in the $\mathbb{Z}[x]$
For every positive integer $m$ and for all non-negative real numbers $x,y,z$ denote \begin{align*} K_m =x(x-y)^m (x-z)^m + y (y-x)^m (y-z)^m + z(z-x)^m (z-y)^m \end{align*} Prove that $K_m \geq 0$ for every odd positive integer $m$ Let $M$ $= \prod_{cyc} (x-y)^2$. Prove, $K_7+M^2 K_1 \geq M K_4$
In the triangle $ABC, \angle BAC$ is acute, the angle bisector of $\angle BAC$ meets $BC$ at $D, K$ is the foot of the perpendicular from $B$ to $AC$, and $\angle ADB = 45^o$. Point $P$ lies between $K$ and $C$ such that $\angle KDP = 30^o$. Point $Q$ lies on the ray $DP$ such that $DQ = DK$. The perpendicular at $P$ to $AC$ meets $KD$ at $L$. Prove that $PL^2 = DQ \cdot PQ$.
If $ABCDEF$ is a convex cyclic hexagon, then its diagonals $AD$, $BE$, $CF$ are concurrent if and only if $\frac{AB}{BC}\cdot \frac{CD}{DE}\cdot \frac{EF}{FA}=1$. Alternative version. Let $ABCDEF$ be a hexagon inscribed in a circle. Then, the lines $AD$, $BE$, $CF$ are concurrent if and only if $AB\cdot CD\cdot EF=BC\cdot DE\cdot FA$.
Let $ABCD$ be a convex quadrilateral, and $P$ be a point in its interior. The projections of $P$ on the sides of the quadrilateral lie on a circle with center $O$. Show that $O$ lies on the line through the midpoints of $AC$ and $BD$.
Let $ MN$ be a line parallel to the side $ BC$ of a triangle $ ABC$, with $ M$ on the side $ AB$ and $ N$ on the side $ AC$. The lines $ BN$ and $ CM$ meet at point $ P$. The circumcircles of triangles $ BMP$ and $ CNP$ meet at two distinct points $ P$ and $ Q$. Prove that $ \angle BAQ = \angle CAP$. Liubomir Chiriac, Moldova
Let $ABCD$ be a convex quadrilateral and $S$ an arbitrary point in its interior. Let also $E$ be the symmetric point of $S$ with respect to the midpoint $K$ of the side $AB$ and let $Z$ be the symmetric point of $S$ with respect to the midpoint $L$ of the side $CD$. Prove that $(AECZ) = (EBZD) = (ABCD)$.
Two circles $O_1$ and $O_2$ intersect each other at $M$ and $N$. The common tangent to two circles nearer to $M$ touch $O_1$ and $O_2$ at $A$ and $B$ respectively. Let $C$ and $D$ be the reflection of $A$ and $B$ respectively with respect to $M$. The circumcircle of the triangle $DCM$ intersect circles $O_1$ and $O_2$ respectively at points $E$ and $F$ (both distinct from $M$). Show that the circumcircles of triangles $MEF$ and $NEF$ have same radius length.
A $ 9 \times 12$ rectangle is partitioned into unit squares. The centers of all the unit squares, except for the four corner squares and eight squares sharing a common side with one of them, are coloured red. Is it possible to label these red centres $ C_1,C_2,\ldots ,C_{96}$ in such way that the following to conditions are both fulfilled i) the distances $C_1C_2,\ldots ,C_{95}C_{96}, C_{96}C_{1}$ are all equal to $ \sqrt {13}$, ii) the closed broken line $ C_1C_2\ldots C_{96}C_1$ has a centre of symmetry? Bulgaria
Let $A_1, A_2, \ldots , A_m$ be subsets of the set $\{ 1,2, \ldots , n \}$, such that the cardinal of each subset $A_i$, such $1 \le i \le m$ is not divisible by $30$, while the cardinal of each of the subsets $A_i \cap A_j$ for $1 \le i,j \le m$, $i \neq j$ is divisible by $30$. Prove \begin{align*} 2m - \left \lfloor \frac{m}{30} \right \rfloor \le 3n \end{align*}
Number Theory
Solve the given equation in integers \begin{align*} y^3=8x^6+2x^3y-y^2 \end{align*}
Solve the equation \[ 3^x - 5^y = z^2.\] in positive integers. Greece
Determine all integers $1 \le m, 1 \le n \le 2009$, for which \begin{align*} \prod_{i=1}^n \left( i^3 +1 \right) = m^2 \end{align*}