Players A and B play a game. They are given a box with $n=>1$ candies. A starts first. On a move, if in the box there are $k$ candies, the player chooses positive integer $l$ so that $l<=k$ and $(l, k) =1$, and eats $l$ candies from the box. The player who eats the last candy wins. Who has winning strategy, in terms of $n$.
2020 JBMO TST of France
1 - Part
Let $ABC$ be a triangle and $K$ be its circumcircle. Let $P$ be the point of intersection of $BC$ with tangent in $A$ to $K$. Let $D$ and $E$ be the symmetrical points of $B$ and $A$, respectively, from $P$. Let $K_1$ be the circumcircle of triangle $DAC$ and let $K_2$ the circumscribed circle of triangle $APB$. We denote with $F$ the second intersection point of the circles $K_1$ and $K_2$ Then denote with $G$ the second intersection point of the circle $K_1$ with $BF$. Show that the lines $BC$ and $EG$ are parallel.
Let n be a nonzero natural number. We say about a function f ∶ R ⟶ R that is n-positive if, for any real numbers $x_1, x_2,...,x_n$ with the property that $x_1+x_2+...+x_n = 0$, the inequality $f(x_1)+f(x_2)+...+f(x_n)=>0$ is true a) Is it true that any 2020-positive function is also 1010-positive? b) Is it true that any 1010-positive function is 2020-positive?
Let $a_0, a_1,...$ be a sequence of non-negative integers and $b_0, b_1,... $ be a sequence of non-negative integers defined by the following rule: $b_i=gcd(a_i, a_{i+1})$ for every $i=>0$ Is it possible every positive integer to occur exactly once in the sequence $b_0, b_1,... $
2 - Part
Given are four distinct points $A, B, E, P$ so that $P$ is the middle of $AE$ and $B$ is on the segment $AP$. Let $k_1$ and $k_2$ be two circles passing through $A$ and $B$. Let $t_1$ and $t_2$ be the tangents of $k_1$ and $k_2$, respectively, to $A$.Let $C$ be the intersection point of $t_2$ and $k_1$ and $Q$ be the intersection point of $t_2$ and the circumscribed circle of the triangle $ECB$. Let $D$ be the intersection posit of $t_1$ and $k_2$ and $R$ be the intersection point of $t_1$ and the circumscribed circle of triangle $BDE$. Prove that $P, Q, R$ are collinear.
a) Find the minimum positive integer $k$ so that for every positive integers $(x, y) $, for which $x/y^2$ and $y/x^2$, then $xy/(x+y) ^k$ b) Find the minimum positive integer $l$ so that for every positive integers $(x, y, z) $, for which $x/y^2$, $y/z^2$ and $z/x^2$, then $xyz/(x+y+z)^l$
$a, b, c$ are real positive numbers for which $a+b+c=3$. Prove that $a^{12}+b^{12}+c^{12}+8(ab+bc+ca) \geq 27$