2018 Greece Junior Math Olympiad


a) Does there exist a real number $x$ such that $x+\sqrt{3}$ and $x^2+\sqrt{3}$ are both rationals? b) Does there exist a real number $y$ such that $y+\sqrt{3}$ and $y^3+\sqrt{3}$ are both rationals?


A $8\times 8$ board is given. Seven out of $64$ unit squares are painted black. Suppose that there exists a positive $k$ such that no matter which squares are black, there exists a rectangle (with sides parallel to the sides of the board) with area $k$ containing no black squares. Find the maximum value of $k$.


Let $a$ and $b$ be positive integers with $b$ odd, such that the number $$\frac{(a+b)^2+4a}{ab}$$is an integer. Prove that $a$ is a perfect square.


Let $ABC$ with $AB<AC<BC$ be an acute angled triangle and $c$ its circumcircle. Let $D$ be the point diametrically opposite to $A$. Point $K$ is on $BD$ such that $KB=KC$. The circle $(K, KC)$ intersects $AC$ at point $E$. Prove that the circle $(BKE)$ is tangent to $c$.