A function $f$ is called injective if when $f(n) = f(m)$, then $n = m$. Suppose that $f$ is injective and $\frac{1}{f(n)}+\frac{1}{f(m)}=\frac{4}{f(n) + f(m)}$. Prove $m = n$
2019 Canadian Mathematical Olympiad Qualification
Rosemonde is stacking spheres to make pyramids. She constructs two types of pyramids $S_n$ and $T_n$. The pyramid $S_n$ has $n$ layers, where the top layer is a single sphere and the $i^{th}$ layer is an $i\times $i square grid of spheres for each $2 \le i \le n$. Similarly, the pyramid $T_n$ has $n$ layers where the top layer is a single sphere and the $i^{th}$ layer is $\frac{i(i+1)}{2}$ spheres arranged into an equilateral triangle for each $2 \le i \le n$.
Let $f(x) = x^3 + 3x^2 - 1$ have roots $a,b,c$. (a) Find the value of $a^3 + b^3 + c^3$ (b) Find all possible values of $a^2b + b^2c + c^2a$
Let $n$ be a positive integer. For a positive integer $m$, we partition the set $\{1, 2, 3,...,m\}$ into $n$ subsets, so that the product of two different elements in the same subset is never a perfect square. In terms of $n$, find the largest positive integer $m$ for which such a partition exists.
Let $(m,n,N)$ be a triple of positive integers. Bruce and Duncan play a game on an m\times n array, where the entries are all initially zeroes. The game has the following rules. $\bullet$ The players alternate turns, with Bruce going first. $\bullet$ On Bruce's turn, he picks a row and either adds $1$ to all of the entries in the row or subtracts $1$ from all the entries in the row. $\bullet$ On Duncan's turn, he picks a column and either adds $1$ to all of the entries in the column or subtracts $1$ from all of the entries in the column. $\bullet$ Bruce wins if at some point there is an entry $x$ with $|x|\ge N$. Find all triples $(m, n,N)$ such that no matter how Duncan plays, Bruce has a winning strategy.
Pentagon $ABCDE$ is given in the plane. Let the perpendicular from $A$ to line $CD$ be $F$, the perpendicular from $B$ to $DE$ be $G$, from $C$ to $EA$ be $H$, from $D$ to $AB$ be $I$,and from $E$ to $BC$ be $J$. Given that lines $AF,BG,CH$, and $DI$ concur, show that they also concur with line $EJ$.
There are $n$ passengers in a line, waiting to board a plane with $n$ seats. For $1 \le k \le n$, the $k^{th}$ passenger in line has a ticket for the $k^{th}$ seat. However, the rst passenger ignores his ticket, and decides to sit in a seat at random. Thereafter, each passenger sits as follows: If his/her assigned is empty, then he/she sits in it. Otherwise, he/she sits in an empty seat at random. How many different ways can all $n$ passengers be seated?
For $t \ge 2$, define $S(t)$ as the number of times $t$ divides into $t!$. We say that a positive integer $t$ is a peak if $S(t) > S(u)$ for all values of $u < t$. Prove or disprove the following statement: For every prime $p$, there is an integer $k$ for which $p$ divides $k$ and $k$ is a peak.