JOM 2015

Day 1


Baron and Peter are playing a game. They are given a simple finite graph $G$ with $n\ge 3$ vertex and $k$ edges that connects the vertices. First Peter labels two vertices A and B, and places a counter at A. Baron starts first. A move for Baron is move the counter along an edge. Peter's move is to remove an edge from the graph. Baron wins if he reaches $B$, otherwise Peter wins. Given the value of $n$, what is the largest $k$ so that Peter can always win?


Let $ ABCD $ be a convex quadrilateral. Let angle bisectors of $ \angle B $ and $ \angle C $ intersect at $ E $. Let $ AB $ intersect $ CD $ at $ F $. Prove that if $ AB+CD=BC $, then $A,D,E,F$ is cyclic.

Day 2


Let $ a, b, c $ be positive real numbers greater or equal to $ 3 $. Prove that $$ 3(abc+b+2c)\ge 2(ab+2ac+3bc) $$ and determine all equality cases.


Given a natural number $n\ge 3$, determine all strictly increasing sequences $a_1<a_2<\cdots<a_n$ such that $\text{gcd}(a_1,a_2)=1$ and for any pair of natural numbers $(k,m)$ satisfy $n\ge m\ge 3$, $m\ge k$, $$\frac{a_1+a_2+\cdots +a_m}{a_k}$$ is a positive integer.


Navi and Ozna are playing a game where Ozna starts first and the two take turn making moves. A positive integer is written on the waord. A move is to (i) subtract any positive integer at most 2015 from it or (ii) given that the integer on the board is divisible by $2014$, divide by $2014$. The first person to make the integer $0$ wins. To make Navi's condition worse, Ozna gets to pick integers $a$ and $b$, $a\ge 2015$ such that all numbers of the form $an+b$ will not be the starting integer, where $n$ is any positive integer. Find the minimum number of starting integer where Navi wins.