1995 Grosman Memorial Mathematical Olympiad


Positive integers $d_1,d_2,...,d_n$ are divisors of $1995$. Prove that there exist $d_i$ and $d_j$ among them, such the denominator of the reduced fraction $d_i/d_j$ is at least $n$


Two players play a game on an infinite board that consists of unit squares. Player $I$ chooses a square and marks it with $O$. Then player $II$ chooses another square and marks it with $X$. They play until one of the players marks a whole row or a whole column of five consecutive squares, and this player wins the game. If no player can achieve this, the result of the game is a tie. Show that player $II$ can prevent player $I$ from winning.


Two thieves stole an open chain with $2k$ white beads and $2m$ black beads. They want to share the loot equally, by cutting the chain to pieces in such a way that each one gets $k$ white beads and $m$ black beads. What is the minimal number of cuts that is always sufficient?


Two given circles $\alpha$ and $\beta$ intersect each other at two points. Find the locus of the centers of all circles that are orthogonal to both $\alpha$ and $\beta$.


For non-coplanar points are given in space. A plane $\pi$ is called equalizing if all four points have the same distance from $\pi$. Find the number of equilizing planes.


(a) Prove that there is a unique function $f : Q \to Q$ satisfying: (i) $f(q)= 1 + f\left(\frac{q}{1-2q}\right)$ for $0<q< \frac12$ (ii) $f(q)= 1 + f(q-1)$ for $1<q\le 2$ (iii) $f(q)f\left(\frac{1}{q}\right)=1$ for all $q\in Q^+$ (b) For this function $f$ , find all $r\in Q^+$ such that $f(r) = r$


For a given positive integer $n$, let $A_n$ be the set of all points $(x,y)$ in the coordinate plane with $x,y \in \{0,1,...,n\}$. A point $(i, j)$ is called internal if $0 < i, j < n$. A real function $f$ , defined on $A_n$, is called good if it has the following property: For every internal point $x$, the value of $f(x)$ is the arithmetic mean of its values on the four neighboring points (i.e. the points at the distance $1$ from $x$). Prove that if $f$ and $g$ are good functions that coincide at the non-internal points of $A_n$, then $f \equiv g$.