1996 Abels Math Contest (Norwegian MO)


Let $S$ be a circle with center $C$ and radius $r$, and let $P \ne C$ be an arbitrary point. A line $\ell$ through $P$ intersects the circle in $X$ and $Y$. Let $Z$ be the midpoint of $XY$. Prove that the points $Z$, as $\ell$ varies, describe a circle. Find the center and radius of this circle.


Prove that $[\sqrt{n}+\sqrt{n+1}]=[\sqrt{4n+1}]$ for all $n \in N$.


Per and Kari each have $n$ pieces of paper. They both write down the numbers from $1$ to $2n$ in an arbitrary order, one number on each side. Afterwards, they place the pieces of paper on a table showing one side. Prove that they can always place them so that all the numbers from $1$ to $2n$ are visible at once.


Let $f : N \to N$ be a function such that $f(f(1995)) = 95, f(xy) = f(x)f(y)$ and $f(x) \le x$ for all $x,y$. Find all possible values of $f(1995)$.