Let $ C_1,C_2$ and $ C_3$ be three pairwise disjoint circles. For each pair of disjoint circles, we define their internal tangent lines as the two common tangents which intersect in a point between the two centres. For each $ i,j$, we define $ (r_{ij},s_{ij})$ as the two internal tangent lines of $ (C_i,C_j)$. Let $ r_{12},r_{23},r_{13},s_{12},s_{13},s_{23}$ be the sides of $ ABCA'B'C'$. Prove that $ AA',BB'$ and $ CC'$ are concurrent.
Source: Oliforum Contest I 2008 2.3 https://artofproblemsolving.com/community/c2487525_oliforum_contes
Tags: geometry, concurrent, hexagon