
Source: 2016 Saudi Arabia IMO TST , level 4+, IV p1

Tags: combinatorial geometry, recurrence relation, points

On the Cartesian coordinate system $Oxy$, consider a sequence of points $A_n(x_n, y_n)$ in which $(x_n)^{\infty}_{n=1}$,$(y_n)^{\infty}_{n=1}$ are two sequences of positive numbers satisfing the following conditions: $$x_{n+1} =\sqrt{\frac{x_n^2+x_{n+2}^2}{2}}, y_{n+1} =\big( \frac{\sqrt{y_n}+\sqrt{y_{n+2}}}{2} \big)^2 \,\, \forall n \ge 1 $$Suppose that $O, A_1, A_{2016}$ belong to a line $d$ and $A_1, A_{2016}$ are distinct. Prove that all the points $A_2, A_3,. .. , A_{2015}$ lie on one side of $d$.