Mathematicians $M$ and $N$ each have their own favorite collection of manuals on the book, which he often uses in his work. Once they decided to make a statement in which each mathematician proves at each turn any theorem from his handbook which neither has yet been proven. Everything is done in turn, the mathematician starts $M$. The theorems of the handbook can win first all proven; if the theorems of both manuals can proved at once, wins the last theorem proved by a mathematician. Let $m$ be a theorem in the mathematician's handbook $M$. Find all values of $m$ for which the mathematician $M$ has a winning strategy if is It is known that there are $222$ theorems in the mathematician's handbook $N$ and $101$ of them also appears in the mathematician's $M$ handbook.
Source: 2000 Estonia National Olympiad Final Round grade 11 p5
Tags: combinatorics, winning strategy, game, game strategy