Ella the Witch was mixing a magic elixir which consisted of three components: $140$ ml of reindeer moss tea, $160$ ml of fly agaric extract, and $50$ ml of moonshine. She took an empty $350$ ml bottle, poured $140$ ml of reindeer moss tea into it and started adding fly agaric extract when she was disturbed by its black cat Mehsto. So she mistakenly poured too much fly agaric extract into the bottle and noticed her fault only later when the bottle Riled before all $50$ ml of moonshine was added. Ella made quick calculations, carefully shaked up the contents of the bottle, poured out some part of liquid and added some amount of mixture of reindeer moss tea and fly agaric extract taken in a certain proportion until the bottle was full again and the elixir had exactly the right compositsion. Which was the proportion of reindeer moss tea and fly agaric extract in the mixture that Ella added into the bottle?