Let $m,n \ge 2$ be integers. The sides $A_{00}A_{0m}$ and $A_{nm}A_{n0}$ of a convex quadrilateral $A_{00}A_{0m}A_{nm}A_{n0}$ are divided into $m$ equal segments by points $A_{0j}$ and $A_{nj}$ respectively ($j = 1,...,m-1$). The other two sides are divided into $n$ equal segments by points $A_{i0}$ and $A_{im}$ ($i = 1,...,n -1$). Denote by $A_{ij}$ the intersection of lines $A_{0j}A{nj}$ and $A_{i0}A_{im}$, by $S_{ij}$ the area of quadrilateral $A_{ij}A_{i, j+1}A_{i+1, j+1}A_{i+1, j}$ and by $S$ the area of the big quadrilateral. Show that $S_{ij} +S_{n-1-i,m-1-j} = \frac{2S}{mn}$