2017 Czech And Slovak Olympiad III A


There are $100$ diamonds on the pile, $50$ of which are genuine and $50$ false. We invited a peculiar expert who alone can recognize which are which. Every time we show him some three diamonds, he would pick two and tell (truthfully) how many of them are genuine . Decide whether we can surely detect all genuine diamonds regardless how the expert chooses the pairs to be considered.


Find all pairs of real numbers $k, l$ such that inequality $ka^2 + lb^2> c^2$ applies to the lengths of sides $a, b, c$ of any triangle.


Find all functions $f: R \to R$ such that for all real numbers $x, y$ holds $f(y - xy) = f(x)y + (x - 1)^2 f(y)$


For each sequence of $n$ zeros and $n$ units, we assign a number that is a number sections of the same digits in it. (For example, sequence $00111001$ has $4$ such sections $00, 111,00, 1$.) For a given $n$ we sum up all the numbers assigned to each such sequence. Prove that the sum total is equal to $(n+1){2n \choose n} $


Given is the acute triangle $ABC$ with the intersection of altitudes $H$. The angle bisector of angle $BHC$ intersects side $BC$ at point $D$. Mark $E$ and $F$ the symmetrics of the point $D$ wrt lines $AB$ and $AC$. Prove that the circle circumscribed around the triangle $AEF$ passes through the midpoint of the arc $BAC$


Given is a nonzero integer $k$. Prove that equation $k =\frac{x^2 - xy + 2y^2}{x + y}$ has an odd number of ordered integer pairs $(x, y)$ just when $k$ is divisible by seven.