Find all primes $p,q,r$ such that $qr-1$ is divisible by $p$, $pr-1$ is divisible by $q$, $pq-1$ is divisible by $r$.
Taiwan TST 2015 Round 1
Quiz 1
Find all functions $f:\mathbb{Q}\rightarrow\mathbb{R} \setminus \{ 0 \}$ such that \[(f(x))^2f(2y)+(f(y))^2f(2x)=2f(x)f(y)f(x+y)\] for all $x,y\in\mathbb{Q}$
Quiz 2
Prove that for any set containing $2047$ positive integers, there exists $1024$ positive integers in the set such that the sum of these positive integers is divisible by $1024$.
Given any triangle $ABC.$ Let $O_1$ be it's circumcircle, $O_2$ be it's nine point circle, $O_3$ is a circle with orthocenter of $ABC$, $H$, and centroid $G$, be it's diameter. Prove that: $O_1,O_2,O_3$ share axis. (i.e. chose any two of them, their axis will be the same one, if $ABC$ is an obtuse triangle, the three circle share two points.)
Quiz 3
Let $a,b,c,d$ be any real numbers such that $a+b+c+d=0$, prove that \[1296(a^7+b^7+c^7+d^7)^2\le637(a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2)^7\]
Given a triangle $ABC$, $A',B',C'$ are the midpoints of $\overline{BC},\overline{AC},\overline{AB}$, respectively. $B^*,C^*$ lie in $\overline{AC},\overline{AB}$, respectively, such that $\overline{BB^*},\overline{CC^*}$ are the altitudes of the triangle $ABC$. Let $B^{\#},C^{\#}$ be the midpoints of $\overline{BB^*},\overline{CC^*}$, respectively. $\overline{B'B^{\#}}$ and $\overline{C'C^{\#}}$ meet at $K$, and $\overline{AK}$ and $\overline{BC}$ meet at $L$. Prove that $\angle{BAL}=\angle{CAA'}$
Mock IMO, Day 1
Determine all pairs $(x, y)$ of positive integers such that \[\sqrt[3]{7x^2-13xy+7y^2}=|x-y|+1.\] Proposed by Titu Andreescu, USA
Given a positive integer $n \geq 3$. Find all $f:\mathbb{R}^+ \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^+$ such that for any $n$ positive reals $a_1,...,a_n$, the following condition is always satisfied: $\sum_{i=1}^{n}(a_i-a_{i+1})f(a_i+a_{i+1}) = 0$ where $a_{n+1} = a_1$.
Consider a fixed circle $\Gamma$ with three fixed points $A, B,$ and $C$ on it. Also, let us fix a real number $\lambda \in(0,1)$. For a variable point $P \not\in\{A, B, C\}$ on $\Gamma$, let $M$ be the point on the segment $CP$ such that $CM =\lambda\cdot CP$ . Let $Q$ be the second point of intersection of the circumcircles of the triangles $AMP$ and $BMC$. Prove that as $P$ varies, the point $Q$ lies on a fixed circle. Proposed by Jack Edward Smith, UK
Mock IMO, Day 2
Let $ABC$ be a triangle and $M$ be the midpoint of $BC$, and let $AM$ meet the circumcircle of $ABC$ again at $R$. A line passing through $R$ and parallel to $BC$ meet the circumcircle of $ABC$ again at $S$. Let $U$ be the foot from $R$ to $BC$, and $T$ be the reflection of $U$ in $R$. $D$ lies in $BC$ such that $AD$ is an altitude. $N$ is the midpoint of $AD$. Finally let $AS$ and $MN$ meets at $K$. Prove that $AT$ bisector $MK$.
Define the function $f:(0,1)\to (0,1)$ by \[\displaystyle f(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{lr} x+\frac 12 & \text{if}\ \ x < \frac 12\\ x^2 & \text{if}\ \ x \ge \frac 12 \end{array} \right.\] Let $a$ and $b$ be two real numbers such that $0 < a < b < 1$. We define the sequences $a_n$ and $b_n$ by $a_0 = a, b_0 = b$, and $a_n = f( a_{n -1})$, $b_n = f (b_{n -1} )$ for $n > 0$. Show that there exists a positive integer $n$ such that \[(a_n - a_{n-1})(b_n-b_{n-1})<0.\] Proposed by Denmark
Let $M$ be a set of $n \ge 4$ points in the plane, no three of which are collinear. Initially these points are connected with $n$ segments so that each point in $M$ is the endpoint of exactly two segments. Then, at each step, one may choose two segments $AB$ and $CD$ sharing a common interior point and replace them by the segments $AC$ and $BD$ if none of them is present at this moment. Prove that it is impossible to perform $n^3 /4$ or more such moves. Proposed by Vladislav Volkov, Russia